Universities of the Universe > Seeing With Our Mind

Moon Temple full moon rising looking through shadows of palm trees poem by Patricia BeBeau

Moon Temple©

As full moon rises over the edge of
the continent it ascends into its temple.
Only the blackest shadows seen from
below on Earth through stalwart sentries
bowed in joinment by their heads and hearts
creating the arch of the Temple will
the Moon be enthroned in splendor light
breasting its beloved companion.

Soon, very soon the temple will heighten
in the dark space of sky and another arch
of light surrounded by faded stars will
acclaim the moon's startled beauty.
Only for a time will the Temple
behold its joy and presence,
for in the fading ebbing the temple
is lost to shadow and all eyes.

Rise again, O Moon,
that the splender of your temple which
embraces you on these hallowed nights be
marked in the minds and hearts of the
Planet's beings as a sign of good faith from
the Creator of such temporal bliss.

Patricia BeBeau, February 5, 2012

PUE/BEB Creations ©
Lady By the Sea Studio. com

Moon Temple Poem